Wild Dyer by Mohawk Group

This collection emerged serendipitously from a collaborative dialogue within the studio. As a team, we had been researching mushrooms, experimenting with mushroom dyes, and working on patterns with chunkier textures. Tying all of these aspects together, the outcome of this experiment captivated all the creative minds present, leading us to recognize the need to develop it into a complete collection. Its accidental nature caused it to take on a life of its own. It's almost as if it were created by a mad hatter-esque character haphazardly mixing dyes in the forest and left for us on the doorstep of the studio.

Winner of the Best of Year Award 2023 by Interior Design Magazine for Environmental Impact, Planet Positive Awards 2023 by Metropolis Magazine for Flooring, Metropolis Likes Award 2023 by Metropolis Magazine, and a HIP Award 2023 by Interior Design Magazine for Environmental Impact.


Taking Root